A lifelong boy scout, a motivated worker and a good thinker
Collage level American sign language for 2 semesters
Boy scouts 2010- now
Eagle scout July 11 2017
National youth leadership training 2016
National leadership seminar 2016
National Jamboree 2017
Buestad Construction 2015
Worked 8 hour days for a summer at various jobsites
Wood working 2005- now
Primarily self-taught or with mentor
Automotive welding 2016
Summer class at alameda collage
I have been at ACLC since 6th grade. And I can't even remember or would recognize that sixth grader that walked into the center all those year ago. I couldn't recognize that quiet and shy 8th grader that graduated from middle school at ACLC a few years ago. And I don't know where I would be without ACLC helping me improve my academic skills. And I never thought that I would be able to ask my English facilitator or even other facilitators for help on an homework or on an essay for there class. I don't know where I would be academically without my experiences at ACLC.
Personal Qualities
The most influential part of my life has been scouts, because it has changed my life for the better in many ways. And has given me some of the best leadership experiences. It also has helped my with time management, and this has changed the way i spend my time in and out of school for the betterment of myself.
New Basics
At ACLC I have drastically improved my academics. I know that it is nowhere near where it should be, but this because of my learning disability. I don't know where I would be without the help of my teachers. As a student I have learned that I will always have a hard time in english classes because of my learning disability. During my time at ACLC, i have been able to improve my writing abilities and get it to where it is today. I can only improve with time.
Thinking and reasoning
One of the advantages of my learning disability is being able to visualize how things work. And because of this, I can visualize the final picture before I have even started. For school projects, this is helpful because I can see the final picture then start to get there. And for all the design of projects that I blueprint this is a quality that I have sean as a blessing. When i see how something works i can then later visualize it and then reconstruct it in my mind. For example the engine of a car i can visualize most parts that are involved in the its operation so i can have a better understanding of how it works. This skill is nice since i like to draw technical drawing and blueprints of misukanis, things like houses and miscellaneous parts for random things.
Interpersonal Abilities
Because of scouts i have learned what it is to be a leader. And the first thing they taught me was that before you can be a leader you must be a fowler or a team member. And this is one of the things that most people don't know. And went to let others lead is also what is a part of being a leader. As well it is not the leader's job to just watch, they teach the skills to those who don't have them then help them after with the tasks. I have experienced their first had with my eagle project and many other times in scouts. I will always remember when i first taught a new scout how to tight a knot then they helped another scout learn the same task i helped them with. And i still to this day carry around the cards from (NYLT) national youth leadership training and (nls) national leadership seminar. These and the experiences using the nola get that they gave me to reinforce what it is to be a leader.
I know the help that technology can bring first hand because of my learning disability. I have used programs to help me with writing to taking notes on a computer. This past year, I started to finally start to use technology to my advantage in school by taking digital notes, by using a program called onenote. And even though my current computer isn’t ideal for this it is helping me in so many ways, I am ultimately looking to get a computer that will allow me to take notes in all my classes including math. Last year I started to take notes for biology on my computer and my notebook was then all digitally and I could go back and actually read my notes be cause they were tipped. I know that I have come a long way with technology and I have learned to use it for my betterment.
Looking back on my growth and experiences, I have come a long why in many aspects of my life. From using a computer to taking notes, to writing my essays for English. But there is still a long way to go, and I am prepared for what’s to come next; I have spent a lot of time thinking about my future. The strange phenomenon is that for my career, I am looking at becoming a middle school history teacher. I find it interesting that if you ask some people my age about their career plans, they don't know what their career will be. I have a clear vision, and I am prepared to make it to that goal and am passionate about it. So i know that I will do great moving forward and it only gets harder from here on out.
20 years from now: I don't truly know what I will be doing for certain to the finest details. Since I will be attending Sonoma State next year and the major I picked was history, in a few years I will join their teaching credential program, so I can become a history teacher for middle school. This plan is one that I have now committed to. I know from all the leading I have done in Scouts it is better to have a plan and follow it then not having one at all.
Why I want to teach history is because one of the parts of history that really interest me personally, is the 9th and 10th centuries. This is due to the Scandinavian expansion that took place at this time and how they managed to discover the New World in ships that were designed not just for ocean, but to travel up large rivers with ease. A lot of people don't look at the past and think that something that happened so long ago will have any relevance. And that is why I want to teach history to make it so that the generations that follow will enjoy studying the people who affected the worlds they live in.
It might sound crazy to be a teacher because of all the experience I have in wood working, but I know for certain I will not be in construction. But the best plans are the ones that can change and grow as you face unforeseen obstacles. Nobody knows what they will become or if there plans that they lay out will come to reality. Because the future has not been written yet, and only when the moment has passed we can truly know what path we took for ourselves.
Tidewater Tire in Oakland
Is a small family owned mechanic shop which only has one other employee than the owner
I will be interning under the owner martin pond. He will have me answering the phone, observing repairs, and sweeping the shop.
First day 07/11/17
8 hours
Observed the removal of the air conditioning system of a Chevy Galaxy
Observed the changing of the rear brake drums of a Chevy truck
Both observed and assisted in the removal of the interior and prep of the shops Owners Ford Durango for paint
Assisted in the changing of the battery in a Saturn
Second day 1/15/18
8 hours
Assisted in the changing of the ignition coils and spark plugs of a Ford Escape and observed the changing of the oil and the oil filter but the customer had to come back because the oil pressure light came on so we had to refill it with thicker oil to correct that problem
Observed in the removal and patching of the driver side rear tire of a Toyota Corolla
Observed in the placement of the transmission of the Ford Durango
Last day 1/19/18
8 hours
Observed the changing of brake pads As well the resurfacing of the front brake rotors on a Toyota Highlander and the changing of all four tiers and the rear brake light bulb
Called customer that there vehicle was ready for pick up.
Observed the opening of the Ford Durango turn light housings for leaning and re installment of the headlights
Assisted in the loading of the used tiers that had accumulated over the last few weeks were picked up and the final count was 115
Observed the alignment of a Chevy Nova's front tiers
Closing report
The internship was not really what I expected there were moments where it was seeing repetitive but then there were ones that seemed to be quite unique and one of a kind. As well since the owner of the shop is a sponsored racer I was able to help work on his personal car. As well the interesting relationships that they build with customers even if they were just there for some advice on there car. So throw the internship I realized the importance of customer service and what it takes to operate not just a family owned business but a mechanic shop as well.
Science fair
Science Fair board: bacteria on a cell phone
The science fair is something that happens every year at ACLC and for my last year I wanted to do something that involved something today so I picked cellphones and I wandered how much bacteria are in them. I then grew bacteria at school form samples that I got off misolainus phones.
Geometric stool
Geometry stool: this was a project where we had to recreate a exhibit from the exploratorium that involve math matrices. The stool has the boards rotating 10 degrees. the birds continue to do this this tell the top, this gives the stool a spiral effect.
show us what you know
History: make your own project
This was from the first semester of modern world history where we picked a topic that was covered. So I picked the telescope because I like astronomy and I had to build one. the way it worked was using different sized poster toobs to construct the body then the eye peace had three lenses alone and then the two major lenses in the end and center. This was for a total of 5 lenses. The hardest part was the focal point in the eye peace so the image would not be flipped.